Deutsch mit Andy Artikeltrainer

Introduction to Artikel Andy App & Course – Learn German with Andy




My name is Andy, and I created this course for kids, teens, and even adults interested in learning German. On our journey, we will learn how to speak German in everyday situations, the most common German nouns & verbs, and many other things that might prepare you for whatever goal you follow

Over the years, I’ve taught hundreds of students like you, who wanted to learn German as a hobby, for studying in Germany, as a challenge and for so many more reasons.


Where should I start?

Click at one of the pictures below to get to the next content. Don’t forget to download my app Artikel Andy on Google PlayStore or Apple App Store (coming soon) to also practice the Germans nouns on your phone.





(coming soon)


From within the course you can access various options such as downloading flashcards, worksheets, board games and much more. Also, you can play sounds of each German noun that we learn in the lesson, practice the vocabulary with quizzes and games or watch the explanation video. Check out the icon below to get to know the functions.

  This icon will open the memory card game .


Downloads a board game that fit’s your current lesson/level.




Click on this icon if you want to download a worksheet related to your lesson.


Download the flashcards for this unit by clicking on this icon.  


Deutsch mit Andy Artikeltrainer
Deutsch mit Andy, Artikel Andy App

How to use the app?

Once you have downloaded and installed the Artikel Andy App from the App Store, you can start your German learning journey from your phone! Here is a quick introduction on how to play the game and what kind of rewards you can get along the way.

The level map

Starting your learning journey and work your way up until you reach the next part of the map. What awaits you on your learning journey? Lot’s of fun, rewards and some silly music. Speaking of music! You can play or stop the background music by clicking on the big yellow button on the upper right side.


The tiles

These are some of the tiles in the game that you will see once you started playing a level. Each of them has one of the German articles (der, die, das) written on them. Notice how they always have the same or similar color, das is white, der is green and die is orange/brown. Tap on one of the tiles that match the word that appears above them. If you are right, you will go to the next step. If you were wrong… well… you’ll see.


Unlock a character

If you happen to come across a level that looks like this. Then you’ll be able to unlock a new character or outfit at the end of it. Exciting!




If you encounter any errors, questions, or mistakes, please send me a message at support at


Have fun and enjoy my course/app – Artikel Andy – an app that was made while being quarantined during coronavirus pandemic in China. Stay healthy!



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